Your required by FAA to register your drone @ faadronezone.faa.gov in USA.
The WISP Drone is a non tethered solution for any WISP or wireless company wanting to do site surveys, customer site inspections or tower inspections.
Includes a front radio (see options) / and WiFi* back-haul for site surveys, works with our free apps or any web browser. WiFi is required to be enabled on your phone, tablet or laptop. Compare the size , pros and cons of our drones against each other.
See photos of the drones we use, and see for yourself the differences for yourself.
Drone consultants available , set your appointment online here !
The Tarot Drone is 4 time the size of the basic drones we use and can carry up to 5 pounds of gear, including but not limited to sensors, cameras, radios, antennas and mods.
The drone has 4-6-or 8 propellers options which gives it greater stability and higher lifting capacity and much longer range. Includes an Air Surveyor and lithium ION battery pack and ten channel controller for expansion. The drone cloud (tm) is for our drones to provide you with remote storage. Get your free account today. Join today !
User-friendly, extendable application and API for drone image processing. Generate geo-referenced maps, point clouds, elevation models and textured 3D models from aerial images. ( free with purchase of any WISP Drone)
Fast reliable way to do site surveys using your existing Phantom DJI drone
Your ready to start doing survey's from the ground once your connected. See manual for more information and instruction. No software needed or required Free Phone apps (not required) and software provided. *WiFi compatible required See drone carriages for more details. Order your WISP Drone now, or see our other gear for sale . Drones , Carriages, Air Survey and more.
We build UAV solutions for :
Video Surveillance,
Search And Rescue (SAR)
Public Safety
Police Departments
Fire Departments
Emergency Medical Systems
Wireless Internet Providers
Cellular Providers
Developers Like you !
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Video Surveillance,
Search And Rescue (SAR)
Public Safety
Police Departments
Fire Departments
Emergency Medical Systems
Wireless Internet Providers
Cellular Providers
Developers Like you !
Contact us !
Air Surveyor , Air Surveyor SDR, Hango, and Ez Drone Drop are products of WISP Drone Co.
If you need more information on licensing , please contact us.
If you need more information on licensing , please contact us.